Chinese Egg custard-egg jelly

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chinese egg custard

Brunch, Kid-Friendly


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chinese egg custard

Recipes from: @群子的饭 on red note video link here


  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • light soy sauce
  • soy sauce
  • Vinegar
  • chopped green onion


1.Bring the water to a boil, and while you are waiting beat the eggs in a bowl.

2.Boil the water and pour the water into the bowl of egg mixture, the ratio of water and egg mixture is 1:1

3.Quickly stir the water and egg mixture, add a spoonful of salt halfway through and stir again to mix the water and egg mixture completely

4.Use a spoon to scoop out the bubbles

5.Place a steamed rack in the pot, then place the bowl with the water and egg mixture on top of the steamed rack, cover with another bowl and put the lid on the pot.

6.Cook over medium heat for 12 minutes, turn off heat and simmer for 3 minutes.

7.Add soy sauce, soya sauce, a little balsamic vinegar and chopped green onion.


You can choose whether to add soy sauce soy sauce scallions or not according to your preference. Alternatively you can choose to eat the egg custard with rice, which is the usual meal choice for people in Zhejiang Province in China


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